Tuesday, September 25, 2007

You smell like poop.

courtesy of thesneeze.com:

Gettin' Sexy with the Ladies

I walked into the kitchen to find my wife watching "The Pick Up Artist" on Vh1. It's a reality show where they attempt to teach socially awkward guys how to pick up hot girls.

My favorite technique is the "Neg." That's making a playful "negative comment" to disarm a woman and show you're not defenseless to her beauty.

Me: "How can you watch this show?"

My wife: "I'm easily amused."

Me: "Yeah, that's 'cuz you're dumb... OH SHIT, DROPPING NEGS! Get your shirt off."

My wife: (BLANK STARE)

The shirt remained on.

I don't think I negged her hard enough. Next time I'll make fun of her family. Then make way for the sex!

If I haven't said this before, then I'll say it again, thesneeze.com is awesome.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


I guess I should try to look on the bright side. If someone finds one, let me know.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I'm a bad, bad, blogger...

Assuming anyone actually reads this blog, I'd like to apologize for being so lax in my blogging. By lax I mean damn ass lazy. Here's a treat for all of you courtesy of the 2(x)ist show at fashion week. We were in the seats to the side of the stage so this was the best I could do. Thanks to Jeff for the invite. Our company, C3, soon to come (yay! business cards!). Enjoy.

The new fashion for men this fall. Who needs clothes? Just throw on your underwear, add a beret and a pair of wrist bands, and you're good to go. Whether it be class, a date, a night out on the town with the boys, it's versatile like that. Underwear is the new pants.