I know it's been a while since I've updated. To all my loyal readers (all two of you), I apologize. Lots have happened in these three months. Firstly, I turned 21. Yes, it's great. Now I can legally kill my brain cells. Secondly, guess where I'm blogging from right now. No...no...close...fine, I'll just tell you. My new black Macbook. It might just be the most awesome piece of tech I've ever owned. That's a lot coming from me. Photos of my set-up to come. I hear the new macbooks might be coming out soon, but until then, I think I'm in love. I'll be blogging much more often now. Lucky you.
Now here's a Dilbert for you, courtesy of my Dilbert widget. I think many of us can relate. I know I can.

I think I'll add that to my resume, "Incubator of innovations".
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