Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Happy, Joy Joy

I finally figured out where that phrase is from. Ren and Stimpy. Oh yes, I used to watch those two glorious creatures on my picture box when I was a wee child. I still don't know what they were supposed to be, although someone once told me that Ren was a chihuahua.

I actually see a resemblance. Anyone have any ideas about what Stimpy could be? I'm gonna go with wildebeest. Or sausage.

On to the actual news. I have finally given in to peer pressure and made a flickr. If you've gone through my smugmug, then you've seen all the photos that I have up on flickr. It's kind of a highlights of the smugmug. So check it out here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tinrisky/

If you've been directed here through my flickr/smugmug/facebook, then welcome. You're amongst friends. Or more likely, you're just here by yourself. Either I don't have many readers, or you're all too lazy to comment. I'm banking on the second one. No matter, I'll just keep on keepin' on. You guys can just continue to sit on your 'tocks and enjoy.


Anonymous said...

flickr.. peer pressure indeed. regardless, that'll mean more places to share your masterpieces! :D

mmm.. seems a bit sad with that comment point, although i'm probably the last person you might expect to be here right? haha, thats what stalker radios do though.

...and i'll have to go for a "fat weasel" for that stimpy character. oh my how cartoons have changed lol

tin.risky said...

A reader! This is cause for celebration! *celebration dance*

Jeff said...

yay flickr! and peer pressure from me

tin.risky said...

Two readers! Oh I think my heart will burst from all the happiness.